4 Things you need to check before buying an old domain name

4 Things you need to check before buying an old domain name
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4 Things you need to check before buying an old domain name

Buying an old domain name and 4 things you need to know. Buying and selling old domain names are activities happening daily in the domain industry. If you have a plan to build your own business website or even just a personal blog. You should read this article carefully before buying any domain name.

1. Introduce

Whenever you need a domain name for your website, just simply go to one of the most popular registrars such as Godaddy, Namecheap, Dotster,…and buy from them. I had this article about the Top 10 best places to buy your domain name from, I think this will help you a little bit in your decision.

If you don’t care about aged domain names (old or history domain names) and want to buy a new one, you also don’t need this article. Otherwise, you should read this carefully.

Top 10 Best Domain Name Parking Services

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I see that many guys usually hunt aged domain names for their own online business or just flip it again for a quick buck. And one of the most reasons that many people buying an old domain name is their advantages which they’ve already had over years.

Many old domain names are very worth of money. They’re very nice, short, brand-able, exact match keyword and easy to remember. Many of them also have good quality backlinks, good ranking on Google. But choosing a good one is not easy. If you have a wrong decision then it may take you more time and more resources to push it up.

So that, choosing and buying an old domain name is one of the most important steps that you need to do carefully in order to make your online business successful. Below is the list I introduce to you about this.

2. Things to check before buying an old domain name

2.1. The domain has no any results when searching for “info:

When you search for the domain name you’re going to buy on Google, using “info:example.com“, if there are no any results then you should think about 2 reasons for that. First, your domain name was configured to redirect to another one. This happens when you see another domain appearing on the search result pages. The redirection is not a penalty but it can cause your domain name to lose all its backlinks. Second is that your domain name has a temporary ban or “soft” ban

Read more: Top 5 Free Online Tools to check Google Blacklist for your site

2.2. The domain name has been banned from Adsense

Many people usually buy domain names in order just to join Gooogle Adsense. So that, if that domain was banned from Adsense, they will not be bought any more. There’re many reasons that Google bans a domain name such as it contains adult content, has low-quality content, spamming or has trademark infractions.

When you accidentally buy such kind of these domain names, it’s very hard to lift the ban and improve it in the future. You can check whether the domain was banned from this site. Just enter your domain name in the text-box and press “Show Google Ads“, if you still see the ads, then it’s safe from Adsense and you can buy it.

2.3. The domain name has been de-indexed from Google

If you search your domain name you’re going to buy on Google with “site:example.com” and receive nothing, no any results showing your domain name information. Then you may think about this situation, your domain was de-indexed by Google. This happened because your domain name had a crucial issue. It may take you a lot of time to remove the penalty, usually months of hard work.

2.4. The domain name was marked as adult

You can check the domain name you’re going to buy by visiting this page and starting a check. This tool will help you see that whether your domain was marked as adult or not. If you have a plan to earn money from Adsense then it’s a big problem for you. Adsense doesn’t like the adult content.

3. Conclusion

In some cases, some bans are not important if your domain name you’re going to buy is on the different fields and is not affected by the ban. Example, if the domain was banned from Adsense, however, you can buy it for other purposes not related to Adsense and you will not join Adsense in the future. But for many domain name investors, a fresh and having good healthy domain name is always value and worth. Then they usually investigate them deeply before buying

4. Some useful Godaddy coupons you may need

If you’re a new customer at Godaddy, you can buy 1 .COM domain name just only for 99 cents here >>> Godaddy 99 cents domain coupons. They’re active and latest for this year

If you’ve already had an account at them, you can buy domain names with 40% off or buy web hosting just only for $1/mo + Free domain here >>> Godaddy coupon codes – Save 87% off web hosting + Free domain active and latest for this year

If you want to renew your domain names & web hosting at Godaddy at the cheaper price, you can get renewal coupon codes here >>> Godaddy renewal coupon – Save up to 27% off domain and hosting renewal price. It’s active and latest for this year

Good luck to you,

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Thanks for the article, quite useful. Although I prefer to buy new domain extensions rather than buying old domains (because of the price mainly), but it’s good info, thank you.