[2019 Working] Godaddy $0.99 .COM Domain Coupons latest for March 2019

[2019 Working] Godaddy $0.99 .COM Domain Coupons latest for March 2019
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Godaddy 99 Cents Domain Coupons 2019 active and latest for this month

Godaddy 99 cent coupon codes are latest for COM domain registration for this month. All $0.99 coupon codes were checked and they’re working well 100% correctly.

The coupon list below will be updated frequently, day by day. Hence, if you want to register .COM, .NET, .ORG, .INFO domain names at 99 from Godaddy, please hurry up to get one now. Don’t know the expiry date.

godaddy 99 cent domain coupon

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1. Get Working Godaddy 99 cent domain coupons 2019

First of all, these Godaddy coupon codes below may expire quickly, or some $.99 codes don’t be known about their expiry date. So that, please hurry up if you want to buy now! Almost Godaddy 99 cents coupons below were tested 90% working before posting on this page. They work smoothly for most of the accounts.

But, in many rare cases, you can not use them due to the restrictions on Godaddy’s policies with the old account or your country. Therefore, I would recommend you should try them all, as many as you want until you find an active one for your order. Good luck to you!

If you don’t know how to manage domain names at Godaddy, I have this useful article for you Guide to manage domain and point domain at GoDaddy

1.1. Godaddy $0.99 .COM domain registrations

These 99 cents coupons below can be used only once per accounts. And they’re also redeemed for new accounts only. 

Godaddy 99 cent coupons Prices Notes
      $0.99 Mar 2019

1.2. Godaddy 99 cents for other extensions

If you’re living in one of these countries below and wanting to find domain at 99, then try to use the 99 domain coupon belong to that country.

Godaddy 99 cent coupons Prices Notes
$0.99 For AU customers only (.AU)
    £.99 For UK customers only (.UK)
Rs 199 For IN customers only (.IN)
R$2,99 For Brazil customers only (.BR)
  C$.99 For Canada customers only (.CA)
  €.99 For German customers only (.DE)

1.3. Godaddy coupons for private registrations

Godaddy coupons Description
  Just only for $2.00/yr + 87% Off on domains .COM, .NET registrations

godaddy coupon on ecoupon.io

2. Other Working Godaddy coupon codes that you may need

  • If your account is totally new and you’ve never renewed your domain names or web hosting at Godaddy yet, you can try with a Godaddy renewal promo code. With these domain promo codes, you may save a lot of money. Please visit for more here >>> Godaddy renewal coupon – Up to 27% Off on domain & hosting renewals. They’re active and latest for this month
  • If you need to buy cheap domain name SSL certificates at Godaddy with special price 35% off, please visit here to get >>> Godaddy SSL coupon is active and latest for this year
  • And, if you want to buy Web hosting for only $1.00/mo + free domain, please visit for more here >>> Godaddy hosting coupon – Just $1.00/month latest
  • Or, if you want to buy WordPress web hosting just only for $1.00/mo + Free domain, you can find their coupons here >>> Godaddy WordPress hosting coupon – Just only $1.00/mo + Free .COM domain name

2.1. Find your perfect domain name

  • 15+ million customers trust Godaddy with their domains. They must know something.
  • Experts you can call 24/7 make building a business a little less lonely.
  • Low prices and a huge selection. Who doesn’t love that?

Godaddy Sales Description
New! Control your online identity with a Personal Domain. Free forwarding to your Facebook, LinkedIn, Tumblr or Twitter page. No technical skills required.
This Godaddy discount promotion will discount you 30% or more on new domain names: .SHOP, .ONLINE, .CLUB, .XYZ, .SITE, .TECH, .LIVE, .CLOUD and more. Search for your perfect domain name now!

I think this article is helpful for you, please take a look at Domain Name Extensions – What do they mean?

2.2. So what all do you get?

  • Simple domain setup – no technical skills needed.
  • Up to 100 sub-domains (like pics.coolexample.com) to customize your site.
  • Real-time monitoring to make sure you’re always up and running.
  • Quick, simple tools to forward your domains to any existing website.
  • 100 professional email aliases (like [email protected]).

3. How to buy a domain with Godaddy

Buying domain name at Godaddy is very easy and simple. Most of the people can do that easily in a few steps. When finding and choosing a domain, there’re some domain name’s characteristics you should know such as

  • Your domain will be activated instantly after you bought successfully and provided full information
  • You can not buy a domain name that has already existed. You just only buy when it was deleted from a registrar.
  • Your domain names’ length and content do not affect website load.
  • Your domain should have maximize 63 characters (include the domain extensions such as .com, .net, .edu, .gov,…)
  • You can buy domain names as many as possible, no limited.
  • Your domain must only contain characters in the alphabet (a-z), numeric (0-9), and hyphens (-). All spaces and other special characters are invalid
  • Your domain must not begin or end with hyphens (-)

However, if you don’t know how to do it, I have the detailed article guide you about this. Generally, the buying process is below

  1. Login to your Godaddy account and find a desirable domain
  2. Add the domain name to cart
  3. Adding a Godaddy promotional code
  4. Billing & payment

The full detailed article can be found here: How to buy a Domain name with Godaddy registrar

4. Why choose Godaddy 99 cent coupons

With more than 75+ million domains under management, they have more experience than anyone. They’ll make sure you find the right domain and that it’s got a secure home online.

  • World’s largest registrar
    More people trust Godaddy than any other domain provider. Since the right domain name can set you up for future success, you don’t want to mess around. Go with the world’s largest registrar.
  • Widest selection on the web
    Every time you enter a name in Godaddy domain search box, their powerful engine searches the web’s largest pool of names. There’s no better place to find the right domain name for your business.
  • Award-winning 24/7 support
    Stumped by… .anything? Their smart, friendly domain experts are here to help. Call them day or night at (480) 505-8877.

5. How to use Godaddy 99 cent coupons?

Here below I will guild you some simple steps that you can do on your account at Godaddy when purchasing your domain names or web hosting. It’s very easy that almost non-technical guys can do that.

  1. Click or copy the Godaddy 99 cent coupon you choose on this website. Then login to your Godaddy account, go to the products management page.
  2. Choose the services that you want to buy/renew at Godaddy, ie: domain name, hosting, email, SSL, Website builder,…and make a payment
  3. At check-out page, look at the right side, near above the “Process to Checkout” button, there’s a text said: “Have a promo code?”
  4. Click on the text “Have a promo code?” and paste your coupon code into the text box, then press “Apply” to continue
  5. Finally, check again the total order and press the button “Process to Checkout” to the next step to make payment

6. Who is Godaddy?

godaddy contact


Godaddy, founded in 1997, is known as the world’s largest domain name registrar. They’re now having over 15 million customers worldwide with 14 facilities around the world in Asia, Europe, India, California,…and more. Besides that, Godaddy is also a large company in the world with more than 5000 employees. They have more than 75 million domain names under management with 24/7/365 round-the-clock customer care operations.

With the above things, Godaddy is now the world’s largest technology provider dedicated to small businesses. They got many awards for years.

6.1. Some other their awards below

  • 2004 to 2013 – Inc. 500/5000
  • 2006 to 2012 – Domain Name Wire – Best Registrar Award
  • 2012 & 2013 – Stevie Awards – Customer Service Department of the Year
  • 2012 – About.com Readers’ Choice Award
  • In 2012 – Fortune 100 “Best Companies to Work For” honoree
  • In 2012 – “Best Security Team” Finalist

Moreover, their latest award is “Inclusive Workplace Award” at HireStory

6.2. Contact to Godaddy

You have many ways to contact Godaddy support team if you’re having your own business and wanting to cooperate with them. Find your relevant requirement and connect with the right department here

Otherwise, if you’re a customer, you can contact them by live chat or call them directly 24/7 with their award-winning support team at (480) 505-8877 or Español (480) 463-8300 24/7 Atención al cliente

Contact them here

Good luck to you!

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Good coupon. They all works for me.


Thank you ecoupon team, just bough one for $.99. Saving me nearly $10 dollars. Thanks.


Thank you man, it works. Bought 3 domains already!!!


just purchased 5 domain with 0.99 first, the rest are normal price. That’s okay. Thank you admin 🙂

Jason Chen
Jason Chen

Well done, I’ve choose one just 99 cent, thank you very much. Keep it up 🙂