Vultr coupon code latest 2016 free $20 for new account

Vultr coupon code latest 2016 free $20 for new account
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Vultr coupon code latest 2016 free $20 for new account

Vultr coupon code active and latest in 2016 up to now. This deal is offered when Vultr introduces new solution ownCloud. Do you want to try Vultr ownCloud?

vultr coupon code free 20 usd
ownCloud is a one-stop solution that gives you control over your data on the web.

Your Cloud, Your Way

Being able to access your files from anywhere is just the beginning. ownCloud comes bundled with tools to help organize you on the web. Need to edit a file in a hurry? Try the built-in document editor. Can’t remember if you have somewhere to go this evening? Log into ownCloud and check your calendar. It can be tedious to manage your contacts from different devices – manage them from a single portal instead.

Share With Anyone

One of the most prominent features in ownCloud is the ability to upload a file from one of your devices, then share it with a friend or colleague. Sharing is made easy by generating URL links to your files. Your peer will be able to download the file immediately by clicking the share link. For those with security in mind, rest assured – ownCloud has you covered. You can password-protect download links, set expiration dates on them, or even setup user accounts to access them.

Please click the button below to copy & use the Vultr coupon code: 

Don’t forget, ownCloud is more than just a website. Clients for desktop and mobile are offered for all major platforms. Start running your cloud, today!

See technical details about this app on Vultr Docs.

Good luck to you!

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