Top 5 Website Technical SEO Audit Checklist You Shouldn’t Neglect

Top 5 Website Technical SEO Audit Checklist You Shouldn’t Neglect
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Top 5 Website Technical SEO Audit Checklist You Shouldn’t Neglect

The success of SEO is measured in how relevant, helpful content those users are getting a keyword and what is the user experience while they visit your website? Hence, it is the most important for SEO professionals, digital marketers and pro-bloggers to focus on website technical SEO.

In this article, you can learn about the 5 vital aspects of website technical SEO audit they can improve search engine ranking.

The 3 elements of SEO

The 3 elements of SEO

1. What is Technical SEO?

The term Technical SEO relates to all SEO activities except content optimization and link building. It helps Search Engines like Google, Bing,…to easily understand your website structure and make your website even accessible for spiders to crawl your site. A website technical SEO audit will build a strong foundation and keep your website alive in the competitive digital marketing industry, and boost your search engine (SERP’s) ranking.

2. Why should you focus on Technical SEO Audit?

Some studies reveal that a website’s online user experience and performance has a great impact on customers to decide whether to make a purchase or not. More than 75% of all the customers, complaints about their poor online experience are less likely to buy from them again. This will be backing the context.

These customers also hold page loading speed to a high standard, with a single second delay in page loading time lowering customer satisfaction by 16 percent. Most of the online user complaints about websites are Technical issues; some of the common complaints are slow loading web pages, site crashing, error notification, and poor formatting.

3. Top 5 vital aspects of website Technical SEO audit checklist you should not neglect

3.1. Website accessibility

To rank higher in Search Engine Rankings (SERP’s) and to have better engagement with the user, your website should be more accessible to both users and search engines. It is important to all webmasters or website owners to periodically perform a website technical SEO audit to verify that their website is well accessible for search engine spiders to crawl into your website and for best online user experience. Ensure that all the vital information on your website is easily accessible for search engines to crawl. It is important to check frequently for any 404 errors and fix them.

Google Search console (formerly Webmaster tools) is one of the best free SEO tools for website audit. It offers a bunch of resourceful to manage and improve a website’s performance including sitemap, robot.txt tester, crawl and indexing stats, structured data testing tool, data highlighter, search analytics, mobile usability, and backlink profile etc.,

There is about 80% of Google searches are going through mobile devices, in this context Google introduced a Mobile First Indexing System for mobile users to improve their online user experience. With this sudden move, Google push webmasters to optimize their websites for mobile friendliness.

Pro SEO tips to improve your website’s accessibility

  • Ensure that robots.txt is not blocking any important pages from the website.
  • Ensure that robots.txt contains the sitemap URL.
  • Verify that all important resources, including JavaScripts and CSS, are crawlable.
  • Find and fix any 404 errors and related page errors.
  • Compress images, videos, and all visual content.
  • Optimize page loading speed by enabling cache for the website.
  • Use CDN to improve page loading time.

3.2. Website structure

Website Structure

The website structure has high priority in the Technical SEO. A website with well organized and linked pages will provide the better user experience. Creating clear categories and well-organized content can help users to easily navigate from one part of your website to another. Also, reduces the number of clicks and steps that take visitors to their desired page, this will adequately engage users with your business.

Ensure your web pages have well interlinked so that prospective user can easily engage with your content that led to other relevant and useful page or content of your website, they likely enjoy this convenience. Find remote pages or content that hard to find on your website and build internal links to that page or content for better results.

Pro SEO tips to improve website structure

  • Create an easy to access navigation menu that helps your users to get their desired page within 3 clicks from the homepage.
  • Build Internal links for remote and hard to find pages or add them to the site navigational menu.
  • Find broken links and fix them. To check broken links install WordPress plug-in called Broken link checker.

3.3. Structured Data (Schema markup)

Structured data provides much information to search engines which helps to better understand your content, pages and purpose your website. Schema (structured data) markup provides information like what, when, who, where and how to the search engines.

Schema structured data markup help businesses trying to gain extra attention in the search engine rankings (SERP) in the form of Quick Answers and other universal content. Businesses that want events included in the new Google Events SERP feature. For example, should use schema markup to gain the search engine’s attention to the event and its details.

Tips to implement correct level of schema (structured data) markup

  • Markup pages that have been optimized for Quick Answers and other rich content
  • Markup any events you list on your page or transcripts for videos
  • Check for common schema errors including spelling errors, missing slashes, and incorrect capitalization
  • Use Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool to ensure the markup has been completed correctly

3.4. Website hreflang tags

As websites turn to be more technical, include developing content material in multiple languages for various people across the globe. To attract the global market, businesses will similarly need to pay much attention to the schema markup and tags used on the web pages. When hreflang tags are used well for a website that content of that website will efficiently match with the right country and language.

Just assume, a website’s content developed in English, if the hreflang tag is well used it can help ensure that it suggests the United States version to the people from US region and United Kingdom version to the people from UK region. Displaying the incorrect version of the website to your targeted audiences can harm your business reputation and engagement.

Pro SEO tips to use hreflang tags correctly

  • Use hreflang tags to ensure that Google knows which country and language that your content is intended for.
  • Verify that hreflang tags use proper return tags.
  • Use only absolute URLs with hreflang tags.
  • Use canonical tags to avoid duplicate content when necessary.

3.5. Content Optimization

Well, this is the primary and most important phase of a website’s Technical SEO. Even you create great content that can well engage with your target audiences. It still remains that the page itself must be well optimized for the right keyword.

If the page does not have the right key phrases, then it is going to be a challenge for the search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo to understand in which the content needs to be ranked and positioned. It is recommended to do a proper analysis while doing keyword research according to the current trend. And then writes sentences that link the terms and long-tail key phrases collectively to make your subject matter and understanding clear to the search engines and audiences, who consuming your content.

Pro tips for content optimization

  • Do proper keyword research to find effective and in-demand search trends.
  • Create sentences that effectively link multiple keywords together to show context.
  • Concentrate on long-tail keywords.
  • Place keywords in the page title, Heading tags, URL, and naturally in the content.

4. Conclusion

While industry going with day by day dramatical changes in its entity and strategies, still a website’s Technical SEO remains crucial to successfully build strong websites.

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Very useful article. Keep it up the good work